What Guarantee's do you have with your current solution? Do you have any Guarantee's you will be back up, all data restored before the end of one day? Is that acceptable?. Considering most businesses are struggling for months after a restore, I would guess the above Guarantee would be a good one. Get it in writting or give us a call. 1.877.377.0919
Take a quick look at the Disaster Avoidance Program (DAP) Login as 'Guest' with the password of 'testtest' to checkout the basic report page.
What is a small busines? You have a small systems infrastructure! One or two servers, external storage, and a few local client computers connecting to them. If your business collects product or customer data, where any downtime to this infrastructure can cost your business money or hardship, but you can't afford thousands of $$ a month for the support. Call us now. If you are close to the above discription, the service will most likely cost less then $1000 a month.
Limit time offer for the New Customer Deal. To give a general ball park idea of pricing for this offer: $500 a month for one server, add an additional $250 per month per server. This deal is done with a one year contract. (note signing a 2 year contract may extend the offer). Call or send email for more details.
21UCi is Disaster Avoidance, Readiness and Recovery. We want to make sure your system never crashes, but if it does we want it backup FAST. The current average is 2.5 days of downtime and data is almost never fully recovered. Unacceptable by 21UCi standards. We guarantee you are backup in less than a day. And we put optional projects in place that will upgrade your system and bring your restore time guarantee down 1 hour with every step. We want to get you to our guarantee of 2hrs or less.